Everything You Need to Know About Apartment Key Fobs | The Fob Store
Never use your old and outdated existing key FOB from your condo or apartment leasing office again. If you lost your FOB, never pay the leasing office again for a new one either. Simply make a new one yourself, in four easy steps!
Key fobs are becoming increasingly popular in the apartment industry. They are a great way to improve security and make life more convenient for residents. Here is everything you need to know about key fobs:
What is a key fob? A key fob is simply a key that is attached to a small, handheld device. Key fobs can be used to unlock doors, activate security systems, and perform other tasks. In the apartment industry, key fobs are typically used to access amenity areas and individual units.
How do I get a key fob? If your apartment complex uses key fobs, you will likely be given one when you move in. If you lose your key fob or it breaks, you can usually get a replacement from your leasing office. Key fobs typically cost between $50 and $150.
What if my key fob stops working? If your key fob stops working, the first thing you should do is replace the batteries. If that doesn't work, you can try reprogramming the key fob or contact your leasing office for assistance. In most cases, they will be able to provide you with a new key fob at no charge.
Key fobs are a great way to improve security and convenience in your apartment complex. Be sure to keep yours safe and contact your leasing office if you have any problems with it.